Opportunities for students to participate in #SECM2017


Do you want to visit Buenos Aires in May and attend both SECM and the top software engineering conference?

We want to hear from Millennial software engineering students! Your voice is important for this workshop. We encourage students to submit a position paper and attend the workshop. Travel support is available from various sources.

What you should do
  1. Carefully read these steps.
  2. Apply to become a student volunteer at ICSE 2017. For more information, visit the ICSE Student Volunteers Page. The deadline for application is in January, but you should rush to apply. Qualified students may be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. You need to be proficient in English. Being a student volunteer will give you a free pass at ICSE. Make sure to indicate in your application all the additional funding sources for which you are eligible and will be applying (see below).
  3. Apply for ACM SIGSOFT CAPS student conference travel funding.
  4. A limited number of travel stipends for US-based minorities (typically US citizens) and women may be provided through an NSF Travel Award Program. Apply if you are eligible.
  5. If you are a CMU Electrical and Computer Engineering student and have taken software engineering courses and performed well, you may be eligible for up to $2,000 travel funding from ECE, provided that you are accepted as an ICSE student volunteer and receive CAPS and/or NSF funding. Two awards will be given to ECE students. Contact hakan.erdogmus@sv.cmu.edu once your applications have been approved.
  6. Submit a position paper to SECM before the submission deadline.
Hope to see you in Buenos Aires in May!